
Some Very Interesting People with Good Things to Say

Feynman on How to think Like a Scientist--- about thinking and investigating how you think and what you know

Ira Glass on how to create meaningful creative work -- failing a lot, setting aside just as much time for looking for interesting things, and waiting to get lucky -- never settling for mediocrity.

Malcolm Gladwell on why there is no perfect _________ there are only perfect _________'s

Hans Rosling's poignant (and beautiful information aesthetics) on how the world is as flat as ever.

Jennifer Lee on "Chinese" food in America

Secret History of Silicon Valley -- Basically: Terman (of Terman Engineering) is the man: some of the core ideas of silicon valley -- IP Protection, Entrepreneurial Stanford Engineering Students, Venture Capital Models, Education and Startup Cooperation were a brainchild of him --- oh yeah and it all goes back to weapons

Daniel Suarez on our bot mediated reality.

Will Wright and Brian Eno on Generative Systems

Jonathan Haidt on the difference between liberals and conservatives

Randy Pausch on really achieving your childhood dreams -- a little self helpy but this is very good

Steve Jobs's three stories on life

Dieter Rams on revolutionizing the design of objects

Vint Cerf on the future of the interwebs

A.J. Jacobs on living his life following all biblical rules ( of the outsourced life fame)

Marilyn Manson Pwning Bill O'Reilly -- and talks about presentation and the veneer of self

Stephen Hawking on finding good challenges for the mind

Salvador Dali on what's my line (hilarious and absurd)

XKCD guy at Google

Ben Huh on the history of Icanhascheezburger

Seth Godin on Purple Cows

Michael Welsch on the internet

John Cage performs

Milton Friedman on Societies that run on Greed -- the only cases where the masses escape grinding poverty is through capitalism

Stewart Brand on the importance of squatter cities

Steve Levitt on why incentives don't work

Speaking of Carrots -- Ali G's literal interpretation of carrots

Tim Hartford on the Logic of Life

Steven Pinker on reverse engineering Romance

Richard Buckland on hidden messages

Dan Dennet on the power of memes

Stephen Hawking on asking big questions about the universe

Ramachandran on intersection of physical and real

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi on creativity and flow