
Spam and Ham

There's a new breed of spam that I am getting these days. They've been using random polysyllabic words to make names from the senders of advertisements for penis enlargement devices, free Viagra and Cialis, and Loan Consolidation programs (shows what Americans care about). For instance, today I got spam from Implementation G. Dishonesty and Imprisonment O. Mammoths. I especially love the middle initial touch. I wonder what G and O is. Maybe Geriatric? or Orthogonal? Wouldn't it be great to name your kid that way? Hi these are my children, Polyamorous Imprisonment and Unctuous Pandemonium. Pandemonium get off the couch right now and eat your broccolli (sp?). I'm beginning to like the sound of that!

Yesterday, Jon and I went on our first grocery trip. I, armed with my TI-83, made sure that our purchase was only a total of 41.35 (including tax). Jon told me that unprocessed food aren't taxable (who would've known?). They had strawberries for a dollar each(!). Everyone run to the nearest Safeway to get strawberries by the truckloads. This is it, ladies and gentlemen, the highlight of my day was being able to purchase my groceries for only a dollar. Isn't that great. We used Abby's Safeway Club card and that saved us 20 more dollars! Wahooo. I sleep soundly at night knowing that my dollars are used the right way (on strawberries and 60 cent canned corn!). Jon says if I like corn so much we should move to Indiana. Well I like potatoes too, so I guess we should move to Idaho!

I saw Lost in Translation again last night. Lip my pantyhose Mr. Hollis. Lip my pantyhose!