
things that I like #1

this is the first of a list of things that I like. I will be posting 5 things that I like on a semi-regular basis.

things that I like list 1:

1) Seth Godin.

ok this is not really a thing. Seth Godin is one of the most inspiring people I know in the business world. He has a way of distilling things into believable and inspiring chunks. His books has taught me that the only way to go in life is to be remarkable.

I just got his other book called "the dip. a little book that teaches you when to quit (and when to stick)". Its pretty small. I look forward to reading it.

2) Barack Obama.

he has a sense of authenticity about his words. he seems like he lived his entire life thinking life realistically. he seems real. note the stress on "seems".

3) POM tea

purchasing POM tea is a bit of an indulgence unfortunately. But it tastes so good.
The graphic design is awesome also, packaging is great. Homerun packaging designers of POM tea. You get a golden star.

4) Vitamin Water

unfortunately they just got acquired by coke. I hope that doesn't reduce their quality. I really like the graphic design and the taste of this beverage. The side comments on the packaging has also been surprisingly quite inspiring and entertaining to read.

5) Resting my head on the BART when I am going home.

I like to rest my head on the window of the BART when I am going home. The window isn't 100% sealed so when the BART runs, a rush of air goes through and it feels like I am riding through open air.