
learning to be an adult

today i checked out my first credit report... and it looks like I am in good standing. Woopie! Maybe I can get an apartment. I am going to be living in the city and working for a firm called Unovo. They make wonder irons... that are simply awesome. I am excited. I am going to be living in SF.

And today I got my first credit report. Apparently, my creditors still think I'm living in New Jersey. .So far it looks like I have a pretty clean report. ACCOUNTS IN GOOD STANDING and NEVER LATE. Yay I'm a good person. Sort of.

I'm so busy busy busy nowadays. But my undergrad career is coming to an end, and I'm excited to start life as a real product designer! Woohoo. I've had too much caffeine and I'm feeling pretty wired right now.

by the way... if you're interested in getting a credit report, you can get one, once a year for free from the government!