

So Jon's writing this paper on "a simple method for obtaining the period of nonlinear oscillators". It sounds cool. There are a ton of integrals in the paper. It looks kind of complicated and cool-looking. (delete math-fetish related comments here)

Elsewhere in the world, the Stanford Design Process... yes SDP seems to have divergent results in terms of life and me216b.

I tried to inspire myself with something cheerful today. I bought some Teddy Grahams (the golden honey variety). It wasn't very helpful. Also in other news, my body seems to keep breaking /hurting. Currently, I am getting muscle pains in my thighs. It must be because of all that walking in my stupid 3 dollar girly shoes through San Francisco today.

A notable quote from Val. "I can't help but notice, but this soup tastes like cancer".
Bergy.. "Yes, quite interesting. This is the best tasting cancer I've had in my life... but then again, this is the first cancer soup I've had ever."

And yes the soup , allegedly, tomato soup did taste like cancer. And by cancer I mean burnt.