
Foam and Feet

I got up this morning staring at my feet. As I looked at them I thought that they were distinctly "adult" looking. Like I was looking at the feet some lady not me.
After 16 hours of nonstop sanding, I finally finished my foam form studies.
I hate sandpaper, and foam and many other things. Went out to dinner with the functionless buttons last weekend. They all laughed when the waitress gave me the biggest sized plate and what looked like 5 times the amount of food that I could actually consume. Afterwards we sat around in Rayna's beautifully decorated room and drank tea as the estrogen in the room continued to engulf us all. I head-cooked last friday. I made Filipino food (for 80 people). Everyone liked the rice cake and the lumpias. They were stuffed full of shrimp. I got a standing ovation.
Stanford is bathed in a really nice radiant light. And I wonder if that is because I'm not stressed out nowadays.

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My. Boyfriend. Is. So. Hot.